Principle 1: Classroom Management Strategies and Using Technology

Classroom Management Strategies


I believe that these three words can help to create an respectful, inclusive, and effective classroom environment for learning.  I was asked to, in module three to provide ten or so strategies that we thought would be effective in a junior level classroom.  I’ve attached my list below, but also found many useful, unique, and helpful strategies from others in the class.

classroom strategies

Finally, I thought that the assignment in module three to create a timetable was also very helpful because it allowed me to consider the flexibility that we have as teachers to adjust our timetable to suit our students (if needed).  The Rainy River District School Board wants all teachers to start the day with 100 minutes of literacy because students are often most ready to learn in the morning.  This is supported by research and as I recently read in the June 8, 2015 issue of Maclean’s Magazine, in regards to turning around literacy rates at schools at two schools on Ontario Aboriginal Reserves, “A  key change was establishing a non-negotiable rule that reading and writing would be taught for 100 minutes every morning from kindergarten to Grade 8.” (Geddes, J. 8 June 2015. p. 28)  This article is an excellent read concerning literacy strategies in schools and I highly recommend reading it.  This, to me, demonstrates that reading and what we are reading can make a difference, if children see themselves in the curriculum, they are more likely to engage and participate.

Finally, in order to address all students learning and the changing society in which we live, I must address technology.  If I am sincerely going to be sensitive to factors that influence individual student learning.” [and]  facilitate the development of students,” I must use technology to support my lessons.  The Rainy River District School Board is focused on ensuring that all teachers and students have access to iPads, Smartboards, Surface Pros, laptops or PCs.  There is a lot of emphasis on incorporating technology into the teacher’s tool kit and into the learning experience of the students (and teacher!).  Below I have provided the list of technology that I would like to use in the classroom along with areas that I will need to build up my skills in 🙂

Technology in the classroom

“You have to really believe in what you’re doing… At the end of the day, you always have to fight for things that are worth it. Put your boxing gloves on.” -Madonna

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